Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Vedic prayer to Lord Ganapathi

A Soulful Prayer:
Gananam tva ganapatigm havamahe
Kavim kavinam upamasravastamam
jyestarajam brahmanam brahmanaspata
Anassrinvanutibhissida sadanam.

We adore and worship you. May you the Lord of the vedas deign to take a seat in our hearts with all your powers of protection. Are'nt you the leader of leaders of assemblies of deities. You are the seer of all seers. You have been eulogised in all similies and classic metaphors as the most famous and unparallelled knower of Brahman.
You ever shine in the hearts of your devotees. May you listen to our prayers and grace us with felicity.

Ganapati is a kavi, a seer who is far-sighted having the knowledge of the past present and future.All kavis (poets)look up to you for guidance and understanding. You are the uncaused cause the brought into being all the kavis ( Seers or poets ).
None can ever approximate you.

Devotees divinise their hearts as altars of fire ritual and offer oblations to Ganapati seated in their hearts as the Lord of the ritual.