Saturday, July 10, 2010


Thy will be done, not mine.
Let me not resist God who expresses Himself as the order of Creation.
Whatever happens is in harmony with God. To accept totally the past , the living and moving present , without any demur or resistance is surrender.
God is the lord of the law of KARMA. He gives us our deserts as per the chart of Karma. He is called the Karma Phala data. What we do brings a result. Where we do works on the result. The forces in creation affect our results. The resolution of all these three is what we get as our deserts. The inexorable law that governs the entire process is called God (Iswara). As we sow we reap. Depending on several factors what we sow germinates and gradually bears fruit. Just as the growth of the seed depends on the nature of the seed, the nature of the soil, the atmosphere, the sunlight, the moonlight, the irrigation we do, so too what we do, where we do, how we do, with whom we do, with what intentions we do decides our deserts.
To know that there is a power unseen which shapes our ends, rough hue them how we will, is surrender.
In Him we live, by His behest which is beneficial to one and all in all periods of time should we do.
O Lord let Thy will be done not mine.
Grant not what I ask, grant what is good and noble. If what I ask is in harmony with Thine will please do grant. This is my prayer.

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