Thursday, April 16, 2009

Desire validated in vedanta

DESIRE to entertain or not.

Desire is a privilege given to the human being by god.Bhagavat Gita says that Desire not opposed to Dharma is an expression of God. Chamakam in Rudram and Chamakam validates several desires. Desire opposed to Dharma is the root cause of evil.
There is a wrong understanding in the modern world that all desires are to be eschewed.
This is against the tenets of Vedanta. The one who advocates that all desires are to be rooted out, has a desire to talk and advise. All transactions are born out of desire only. Desire is harmless as long as it conforms to Dharma. The traditional teacher also has a desire to teach. All desire to live. All desire health, wealth , fame, prosperity and peace. They are valid. Desires erupt in the mind. Dharma based desires are valid and get manifested in actions. Kama -desire -is mental and Dharma manifests only at the level of actions.Veda talks about Dharma. Taittreya upanishad talks of Dharma in the seeksha Valli. All should read and assimilate them .


  1. Is there any way i get the meanings of

    Taittiriya Upanishat-Seekshavalli, Ananda Valli, and BruguValli?

  2. Swami Chinmayananda's commentary on Taittreya upanishad in English gives meaning and commentary. Book is available at all mission centres
