Sunday, January 11, 2009

JAGAT - The world of manifestation.

The indescribable power of Iswara is called Maya. Iswara with his power called Maya manifests thia world. Maya is otherwise called Prakriti. Tigunatmika Maya- maya is made up of three gunas ( modes, preponderences, modalities). They are Satwa, rajas and tamas. Satwa mode makes one seek knowledge. Such a one seeks purity. illumination, clarity. He persues pleasures. Such a one is bound by knowledge and pleasure. A person in the rajas mode is a workaholic. He has a passioon for work. He develops deep attachments and goes to extremes in love, hatred, envy, jealousy etc. By these modes he is bound . A person of tamas mode is lethargic, is given to procrastination, becomes indifferent to priorities in life,is stubborn, refractor yand adament. His mind is always confused.

These modes alternate in the mind and create a pall of thicknes preventing one from recognising the atma, the awareness that he is. These modes find expression in yajna(sacrificial acts) dana (charitable acts), tapas- austerities and in acts that need decisions. Gunas also act in the field of sraddha -faith-beleif systems.

The whole world of transactions come under the sway of these gunas.

The unique power of Maya is reversal. Reversal is to make a noun an adjective and adjective a noun.Maya hides the real and projects the unreal. It makes as it were the anatma as atma and atma as anatma, the attribute of the concrete as concrete and concrete as its adjective. viz: gold chain. Here the concrete is gold and attribute is chain But in the word, chain is the noun and gold is the adjective. this is the reversal.In Sanskrit this reversal is called 'vyatyayaha' . maya gives substantiality to things that don't have substantiality. Maya makes adjectives pull down the noun and make adjectives occupy the throne of the noun. Sat- existence is noun and objects in jagat are adjectives. Maya's pravritti does the reversal.Maya brings out the 'anyonya mithuni karanam ' intermixture. Tne projective power (vikshepa) of Maya is wonderful, this power is the one that manifested the surge called creation. This projective power uses the modes satwa,rajas and tamas and projects the plurality and the variegated variety.

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