Monday, January 5, 2009

My equipment and I

My body is my equipment. It is a three tiered structure. The tiers are gross body, subtle body and causal body. The gross body is perceivable, the subtle imperceivable but conceivable and the causal inferable.
The gross body is made of the pentamerous combination of the rudimentary elements viz: space, air, fire, water and earth. The combination has become the epidermis, dermis, flesh, fat, blood, bone and marrow. This is the tenement in which we live and transact our lives. This is the hutment wherein we have our experiences.
The subtle body is made up of the five senses, five organs of action, and five pranas. Mind, intellect, the five fields in which the senses roam about, memory (recall faculty) and the agent called the ego.
The causal body is the capital (total potential) out of which we draw our blue prints of our lives. This causal one is the collective unconscious (term used by the psychologists).
The one who uses this is the indweller called Kshetrajna (knower of the field which is the three tiered structure and the worlds in which he transacts.
Other than the one ,who uses this three tiered structure, is the Unique incomparable one, Sat chit ananda or satyam jnanam anantham, otherwise called as the atma at the micro level or Brahman at the macro level or Bhooma( used in the chandogya Upanishad) or the Purushottama.

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