Monday, January 5, 2009

Vedanta - A pragmatic approach.

Please read this slowly, deliberately ,assimilating clearly every line ,nay every word for words are abiguous and may lead us to confusion. Then reflect and verify personally in your day-to-day transactions all these.

Life is a transaction. I am the transactor. The world is the transacted. This world is apprehended by me from the data collected by the senses that belong to my body. The senses are the faculties of vision, hearing, of Picking up odours,of taste and of touch.The equipments in which these faculties are situated are respectively the eyes,the ears, the nostrils, the tongue and the skin all over the body.The world , with which we transact starts from what is mine i.e my gross body, my subtle body and causal body and moves outwards to the world of perceptions,world of mentations,conceptions and world of axioms and verities.
The transacted is the world made up of the five elements and the elementals ( the ones formed by the pentamorous combination of the five elements) consisting of living beings and non living ones, the flora and the fauna,i.e the land, the fields, the water sources, the structures on the surface of the earth rooted down in the earth and the ones swathing the earth., the valleys , the deserts, the heaths,the wild growth, the hills and mountains and their ranges, the atmosphere, the galaxies, the asteroids, the planets, the stellar constellations, the wast milky way-the micro and the mega. All these fall into the fields apprehended by the senses and the mind.

The transactor is the king-pin. Without this one there is no transacted, for the transacted cannot exist without the transactor. The transactor is me. Sciences gives us the knowledge of the transacted but they cannot give the knowledge of the transactor , the 'I' which is the universal and unique one. With regard to this I , there is a confusion . This confusion is due to the mixing up of the I and the one cognised by the I. It is here vedanta comes to our help.

End of the first contemplation

- Swami Suvijnanananda

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