Sunday, January 11, 2009

Vedanta a pragmatic approach (continued.....)

With regard to the 'I' , the transactor there is a confusion. In transaction there is a subject part and an object part. The subject part is the Objectless awareness (The Atma). The object part is Atma becoming a transactor.The transactor is attributeless I along with the object transacted. "Aham vritti -the akhandaakara vritii- + buddhi vritti. eg. I see a pot. This is I the observer and the pot that is seen by me. Aham vritti+ Ghata (pot) vritti formed inthe buddhi.In the recognition of this there is the kshetrajna and the Kshetra. The awarer( Pure consciousnes ) and the awared the rocogniser with the recognition of the object -the pot. Here the seer is awareness affected by the object ,pot.To distinctively recognise the awareness and the awarer of the object is called viveka (discrimination- this word does not convey the full content of viveka. So a teacher is necessary to make us understand what exactly Viveka is.In normal transaction we recognise the awarer of thew object but not the subject, the awarer-pure consciousness.Let us look at the mix upwe have made.I am lean. What you mean here is your body is lean and you are trustee of the body. Your are not the body .You are the user of the body.So How can I be thin? We have to say my body is lean.I am not allright. This really means I am the one with a mind or a body that is not allright.To stay as the consciousness unaffected by the recognition ia jnana, liberation from limitations.

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