Saturday, November 21, 2009


Often we are asked, "Who are you?".
The answer we give is riddled with several choices. There is the real I, the Truth of ourselves and the transactional "I". This transactional one alone has several choices. Depending on what we identify with we create an identity, the which becomes an answer for the question, "who are you ? ". For example if I identify with my body I say I am fair complexioned, tall, handsome etc. If I identify with my mind and the several thoughts that pass through the mind, then there are several identities. for example, I am not feeling well, I am sick, I am angry, I am worried, agitated, I am very clear etc. When I identify with my birth and lineage I say I am blue blooded, I am a Brahmin, a Kshatriya, vaisya etc. Identity with the country makes me say I am an Indian, American, British, Chinese, Japanese etc. When I identify with my senses, I say I am blind, I am deaf, I am dumb,etc. Identity with the organs of action makes me take the identity "I" am lame, halt etc.
As these identities are organ or instrument, or idea - oriented they don't invoke the real " I ". The truth is I am not these, but the one with these possessions or titles.

THE REAL 'I' IS UNIDENTIFIABLE for it is free from all relationships.

So we conclude that Identity is relation -oriented.
So the answer to the question "Who are YOU?" from the absolute stand point will be:


( Discussion on this is welcome )

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