Thursday, February 18, 2010



What a wonder.Am I important or my identity.?
Everywhere you are asked to identify yourself.
I am is a fact . I exist is a fact. I am alive is a fact.
who I am is a notion built by me on the findings of a net work of transactions I went through. This notion is ephemeral, subject to change and hence is not me . It is about me. the Truth is I exist .If this is so, one is made to ask why I should identify myself ? Is it because society wants me to differentiate myself from others? My very very presence which is gross and tangible will make others recognize me, for no two are alike.
We talk of freedom , but every where we are asked to identify ourselves. Can't one live in tne world unidentified. Only human beings are asked to identify themselves. The other living and non living ones pass of peacefully in this planet of ours.
A non demanding person should be allowed to pass through life without proving himself to others.That I exist needs no proof when I am there alive.

This was not the case a decade ago. Now fictitious identities have grown like fungus or mushrooms every where . Should this be so ?

Think. ponder, reflect and comment

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